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Ode To St Anthony

Mon Mar 10 2014

Back in the early 2000s, when SKY was home to a solitary food channel called UKTVFOOD, a programme called No Reservations used to be on ALL THE TIME. Starring Anthony Bourdain, in all his sweaty, manly glory, he traversed the globe, eating all kinds of disgusting things for sport. As college students with not much on in the afternoons, we used to spend days travelling with Anthony, marvelling at his ability to be both drunk and sweaty and yet so. very. attractive. So, you can imagine our UTTER GLEE when he was announced as a judge on The Taste, our new ABSOLUTE FAVOURITE PROGRAMME. We love him. We adore Nigella, because that’s the rules, and we have a soft spot for Ludo and his tattoos. It is the perfect mix of food and gorgeous men, with just enough product placement to make us come away thinking that we can’t live another day without some pretty weird things… We are sold. And we may dissolve in a puddle of grief once it’s over, but for now, check out Anthony, patron saint of vile things, in a vintage clip from No Reservations as he visits Ireland:


photo credit: <a href=””>Renée S. Suen</a> via <a href=””>photopin</a> <a href=””>cc</a>



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