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Become the next foodie TV star

Wed Apr 04 2018

Catherine Fulvio, I Love Cooking

Applications are  NOW open until to 29th April 2018 to star on ‘Tastes Like Home” with Catherine Fulvio

Building on the success of series one and two Catherine Fulvio’s top RTÉ One TV Show sponsored by Londis, Tastes Like Home, is back for a third series and is looking for participants from around the globe.

If you want to be the next foodie TV star and have a loved one living abroad then make sure to apply. Successful applicants will host Catherine in their home and teach her how to whip up their gastronomical delight. Catherine then visits their loved one abroad, taking viewers on a whistle-stop tour of their home away from home, before helping to re-create the dish that for them, tastes like home.

“Food is part of our culture and our heritage and it is evident from this TV series, Tastes Like Home, that when we move abroad it is one of the first things we miss about home.  It has been a pleasure for me to bring the distinctive flavours or Ireland to all four corners of the globe and I look forward to doing it again in series three”, said Catherine Fulvio.  

So far the Show has followed Irish families far and near from South Korea to London and Canada to South Africa with dishes including a mouthwatering seafood platter of smoked scallops and lobster, to a traditional fish pie with a twist and a very Irish nettle and leek soup.  We all have a dish that awakens the very best of memories, and we want you to share yours with the nation!  Catherine will visit your loved one wherever they live, be it Hong Kong, Iceland, Poland, Wellington or Brisbane, and help them recreate the dish that “Tastes Like Home”.

Applications are open until the 29th April and you should be available for filming in May/June 2018, any level of cooking skills is required to feature on the show. But a passion for home-made cooking is a must! 


Applications are open until midnight on Sunday 29th April 2018. To apply, simply submit an application form along with three family favourite recipes for consideration. RTÉ One, with the help of Londis, will recruit six successful participants from across the country. Any level of cooking skills is required to feature on the show. But a passion for home-made cooking is a must!  

Visit your local Londis store to pick up an application form or apply directly online at  or post your completed application forms to  “Tastes Like Home TV Show, C/O Another Avenue, 14 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 or return them to your local Londis.

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