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All About Christmas Ham

Sat Dec 23 2017

Traditional Sliced Honey Glazed Ham

Chef Adrian takes us through the finer points of perfecting the Christmas ham, and offers a few great ideas for using up any leftovers the next day.

Traditional Sliced Honey Glazed Ham

Oliver Dunne’s Honey Glazed Ham



  • Soak your ham in cold water for 12 – 24 hrs then drain before cooking.
  • Simmer for 20 mins per LB (454g)
  • Remove the outer layer of fat, score and add cloves.
  • Then roast in the oven for the last 30 mins with a glaze.
Glazed Loin of Bacon with Pea and Potato Mash; Bord Bia recipe

Glazed Loin Of Bacon


What should you add to the pot when boiling the ham?

Try a few of the following:

Cloves, black peppercorns, a couple of Bay leaves, chopped Celery, Carrot & Onion, Thyme Sprigs, an orange studded with cloves or an apple cut in half.


Different Glazes for ham:

  • Brown sugar, Honey and Mustard Glaze
  • Cola Glaze
  • Pineapple & Ginger Glaze
  • Marmalade & Ground Ginger Glaze
  • Orange & Soy Glaze`

chef adrian martin

Chef Adrian

What to do with Christmas Leftovers.

  • Try making a pie with puff pastry – Simply chop your leftover cooked turkey, veg and gravy into a pie dish.  Cover with the puff pastry and cook into the filling is hot and the pastry is golden.
  • Use cooked turkey or ham leftovers in quiches.
  • Use cooked turkey in a salad with mixed leaves, tomatoes and a dressing.
  • Use your leftover ham with pasta, simply chop the cooked ham into bite size pieces & add a tin of chopped tomatoes to a pan, heat through, then chop up any fresh herbs that didn’t get used in the stuffing and add to the pan.  Serve with some cooked drained pasta and enjoy.
  • Leftover turkey is great in sandwiches when teamed up with stuffing and cranberry sauce.

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