Dress Your Table For Christmas
Wed Dec 13 2017
Dress to impress for Christmas this year – dress your table, that is. Creating the perfect table for Christmas does not have to break the bank. We believe in keeping it simple. This year we have gone with metallics but you can use other vibrant colours like traditional red and green if you prefer. This is how to dress your table for Christmas:
We have chosen a very simple and easy-to-do centre piece. Fill lanterns with baubles and battery powered LED lights, this is a simple but effective. Use different size baubles and stick with the colours of your theme. Try to use an uneven amount of lanterns such as 3 and if you can, use different shapes and sizes. These can be picked up in places like Woodies DIY, Penneys, Dunnes Stores or Tiger.
Once that is done begin creating the perfect table setting.
We start with a crisp white table cloth and some table runners with matching place mats. Instead of using the table runner down the centre of the table we used two table runners across the width of the table and at each end we used matching place mats.
Arrange your centre-piece using the lanterns – we added some glitter reindeer decorations.
Once this is done scatter some tea lights around the table. We have gone with some beautiful star tea light holders from Homebase but again you can pick up tea light holders in many homeware departments.
Then set each place. We used metallic plate chargers and placed serving plates on top. Place a cracker on top of each plate.
Fold your napkins and place your knife and fork in each. We decorated our napkins with some glitter flowers from Woodies DIY but you can pick up similar in many shops or you could even use some nice ribbon.
Top Tip:
When dressing your table choose a theme and a colour and stick with it. Try to use items you already have such as decorations or table runners.