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Healthy Mom

Thu Sep 17 2015

Healthy Mom Eumom

We’ve teamed up with to bring you the best advice when it comes to feeding your family. Today Mairead Cahalan gives us top tips to get you back on track to be a healthier and happier Mum.

Picture the scene: Cranky children, you’re already running 15 minutes late, middle child refusing to eat lovely bowl of porridge, oldest child looking for permission slip for school trip, youngest child downright refusing to put shoes on. Sound familiar? It’s a miracle you get the kids to the school gate before the bell rings, never mind getting yourself to work on time wearing a matching pair of shoes. It’s approaching lunch time and with a grumbling in your tummy so loud you’re sure the office block next store heard it, you realise that it’s nearly 1pm and you’ve yet to put anything other than coffee in your body.

Welcome to the life of a busy mom.

Parenthood brings many things. Overwhelming amounts of happiness and love, maxed out credit cards and poor diets. It’s pretty standard for mom and dad to temporarily put the health and happiness of their children as a priority over their own, but it certainly shouldn’t be a long term thing. In order to be present, happy and healthy enough to care for and love your children, you need to look after your own health and wellbeing.

Here are a couple of quick fixes to get you back on track to a healthier happier you:

1. Hydrate

Drink, drink, drink. Water, that is. Save the wine for the weekends! Keeping hydrated is so important. It helps with your concentration, flushes the system of toxins and aids digestion. I bought a relatively cheap, brightly coloured little water bottle which I keep by the bed/on the desk/in my handbag and have managed to almost triple my water intake over the past few months. The brightness of the bottle catches my eye and reminds me to get guzzling!

2. Vitamins

Eating well, as we have been told time and time again, is so important for our overall health. Your body is a temple, feed it with love. You are what you eat. Yada yada yada. Are you a multi-pack of crunchies? Or are you an avocado with black pepper on rye? How about we meet in the middle and be a wholegrain chicken and salad sandwich? The moral of the story: It’s super important to eat your vitamins and minerals. When in doubt, take them as a supplement so you can be totally sure you’re getting all you require. Kelkin have a great range of vitamins for you to choose from and are available to buy in leading pharmacies nationwide.

3. Sleep

Yeah right, says you. Don’t remember the last night you had an unbroken 8 hours? Me neither. But let’s promise from here on out that we will make it our life ambition to conquer the 8 hour snooze. Parents’ have an awful habit of staying up for hours after the children are in bed, catching up on work, housework, and having quiet time. This is all well and good, but you have to remember that you need your sleep too! Sleep deprivation plays havoc on your concentration, your skin and your overall health. It may not be realistic to have early nights every night, but at least one night a week, you should aim to go to bed shortly after the kids to give yourself the best chance of catching a full 8 hours. Future you will thank you greatly.

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At eumom, we’re first for parenting, first for moms and we believe the best part of parenting is celebrating memorable moments together. From big announcements, to joyful arrivals, from first steps to first days of school, we are here for you.

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