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Snack Attack With Petit Filous Pouches

Mon Aug 15 2016

Mums and Dads of Ireland have spoken out on the eating habits of their little rascals and get to the bottom of where exactly those teaspoons go missing.  With 90% of parents wishing there were more nutritious and convenient snacks available for their kids while they’re on the go, many succumb, 74%, to giving an unhealthy snack when under pressure. 40% of parents surveyed have caught their child throwing their yoghurt spoon in the bin with the yoghurt pot after they’ve eaten, with over 50% of those surveyed saying their spoons regularly go missing.

Snacking on the go proves a challenge too, with 63% of parents admitting their kids have made a complete mess with their food when out visiting friends/family and 60% of parents admitting to licking their thumb of wipe their kids face clean. Funnily, the strangest place they have found food on their child is in their hair (52%) in their pockets (20%), in their ear (17%) and down their jumper (11%).

And it’s not just teaspoons that go missing in the home. Amongst the highest scoring items to go missing include shoes, lunchboxes and teddy bears, and with unwanted snacks found under the bed, behind the couch and under the car seat.

Petits Filous Pouches are now available in stores across Ireland. The yoghurt is now available in a convenient portable and resealable pouch, allowing children to eat a favourite snack independently. A saviour for the Mums and Dads of Ireland as a reliable snack for their children whether they are at home or on the go. And better yet, the teaspoons stay in the drawer and not in the bin.

Petits Filous Pouches can be found in the dairy aisles in Dunnes Stores, Supervalu’s and Tesco stores across Ireland at €1.00 RRP.

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