In A Jam
Mon Mar 10 2014

Noel McMeel is a man who knows his onions. His Northern Irish onions to be exact. As executive head chef at Lough Erne Resort in Fermanagh, he specialises in showcasing local produce in the fanciest, most show-offy way possible. And his food is delicious, believe us. So, when we heard he was launching a cookbook, we expected lots of fanciful but deeply unachievable recipes that would be nice to look at, but impossible to recreate without a sous vide machine. Instead, he has done the exact opposite, and along with Lynn Marie Hulsman, has created Irish Pantry, a tome inspired by his mother’s larder. Think smoky bacon and cheese bloomer with homemade chutney and you’re on the right track. Of course, there are lots of recipes for the more adventurous cooks, with homemade cured meats and even homemade Amaretto, but this is a book that will happily jostle for space on any home cook’s bookshelf, and one we are DYING to get stuck into.
Irish Pantry is published in hardback by Running Press and is available from all good bookstores