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Online Turkey @ Tesco

Wed Nov 19 2014

Tesco has launched a turkey pre-order service giving households the chance to manage festive spending and secure the star of most Christmas dinner tables at a great price.  Whether you’re looking for the ultimate Christmas showstopper or a simple basted crown, Tesco’s Irish turkey range covers all sizes, budgets and occasions to help you celebrate your kind of Christmas.

All of Tesco’s fresh turkeys and hams are 100% Irish and Bord Bia Approved and sourced from suppliers in Monaghan, Kildare and Cavan including Brendan Leonard from Smithborough, Monaghan who has supplied Tesco for over ten years. To pre-order turkeys and ensure peace of mind this Christmas simply pick up an form in your nearest participating Tesco store before 15th December and follow these steps:
1.       ORDER Complete the order form and bring it to the pre-order location in your chosen store before December 15th.
2.       DEPOSIT A €10 deposit will be required to secure your order. You will then receive a €10
deposit coupon. Keep this coupon as you will need it to ensure that your deposit is deducted at
the checkout when you collect your order.
3.       COLLECTION On the date and time allocated, collect your order from the collection point,
signposted in store.
4.       PAYMENT Once you have completed your Christmas shopping, go to the checkout. Hand your
€10 deposit coupon to the cashier to get your €10 deposit automatically deducted from the bill.


Version:1.0 StartHTML:0000000149 EndHTML:0000011408 StartFragment:0000000199 EndFragment:0000011374 StartSelection:0000000199 EndSelection:0000011374 Turkey options include:

·         Fresh whole Irish turkey – For those who like a traditional Christmas, nothing beats a classic whole turkey served with all the festive trimmings. Whether you prefer succulent breast or dark, flavoursome thigh meat, it’s a firm favourite on the big day.
–          3kg, serves 3 to 5, €11.99
–          4kg, serves 6 to 9, €15.99
–          5kg, serves 6 to 9, €18.99
–          6kg, serves 10 to 13, €23.99
–          7-9kg, serves 14 to 16, €4/kg

·         Finest Irish Free Range Bronze Turkey –Bronze free range turkey meat is a shade darker than white free range and has a subtle gamey taste bursting with natural juices. A slow growing breed, these birds have a  distinctive, succulent flavour.
–          3-5kg, serves 6 to 9, €10/kg

·         Fresh Free Range Irish turkey – White free range turkeys have a more delicate taste to bronze free range birds and characteristically have a broader breast.
–          3-5kg, serves 6 to 9, €9/kg

·         Grove Farm Irish Organic Turkey – Organic turkeys are a very slow growing breed which gives them their distinctive, succulaent flavour and texture. Bred in Co. Monaghan these turkeys are free to roam through their natural green environment and are fed an organically grown diet
–          3-6kg, serves 6 min, €14/kg

·         Tesco Fresh Irish Turkey Crown – A great alternative to the traditional whole turkey with tender breast meat that’s easy to carve
–          2kg, serves 6 to 10, €22

·         Tesco fresh Irish Boned and rolled turkey – Fresh Irish turkey boned and rolled to make a convenient easy to carve option for Christmas dinner
–          2kg, serves 10, €15.49 (€7.75/kg)

·         Tesco Fresh Irish Easy Carve Turkey joint with winter berry stuffing – Easy carve Irish turkey joint, stuffed with a juicy winter berry stuffing
–          3kg, serves 10, €45.99 (€15.33/kg)

·         Grove Farm Fresh Free Range Goose – Alternative to turkey on Christmas day, this meaty and succulent goose has a naturally deep and delicious flavour
–          4-6kg, serves 4 to 7, €12.99/kg

·         Irish Ham on the bone – On the bone for extra succulence, this joint is large enough to create a ‘wow’ factor at the Christmas tabl
–          6kg, serves 10 to 12, €26 (4.33/kg)
–          8.2kg, serves 12 to 16, €28 (€3.41/kg)

·         Tesco Irish Whole Boneless Ham – Traditional boneless ham fillet that’s convenient to cook and easy to carve
–          5kg, serves 22 to 28, €27 (5.40/kg)

·         Irish Large Ham Fillet – Boneless Irish ham fillet. Allow 30 to 40 minutes per pound for cooking
–          Smoked 4kg, serves 20 to 22, €18 (€4.50/kg)
–          Unsmoked 4kg, serves 20 to 22, €17 (€4.25/kg)

·         Tesco Irish ham fillet – Succulent cured Irish ham made with Bord Bia quality assured Irish pork
–          3kg, serves 14 to 18, €13 (€4.33/kg)

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